Do you know what your typical website 'bounce rate' is? That is, do you know how long people who find your website stay on it before getting distracted and leaving? What are you doing do engage them after they do leave? Wouldn't it be great if you could kind of 'follow' them around after they leave your site, popping up to remind them about you every so often until they come back? That's exactly what retargeting ads can do for you.
Each time someone visits your website, they're given a 'tag' and that tag tells the website marketing powers to show your retargeting ads to them later while they browse other sites on the internet. Imagine it kind of like a mobile bus bench ad, that keeps showing up 'en route' to your prospect even after they're left your place of business. They keep seeing you, so they remember you, and thus become much more likely to reach out and get in touch for your services (or even to recommend you to someone else they know that needs them!).
It's essential to make sure that you have your online business presence buffed up to a strong shine to get the most out of them. You can read more about what you need in place for optimal retargeting ads here, or click below to get a free audit to see how your business currently shows up online.
Founder of Leads By Reputation
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